Projects & Events

Reporting on children affected by AIDS: a round table discussion for health reporters

7 February 2006

In this roundtable discussion we took an in-depth look at reporting on children affected by AIDS. We took the opportunity of this gathering to discuss the challenges faced by health journalists and journalists interested in HIV/AIDS, as well as tabled a list of concerns that can be taken forward to editors-in-chief, who will be meeting at a round table discussion on reporting HIV/AIDS later on in the year. The programme included three presentations:

Helen Meintjes (Children’s Institute): what are the key socio-economic challenges facing children affected by AIDS and in what way do the media cover them?

Glynis Clacherty (researcher) & Christina Stucky (journalist), HIV/AIDS & the Media Project fellows: working with children: experiences & some ethical considerations

Dr. Hasina Cassim (Medical Officer in the Paediatric Wellness Programme at the Perinatal HIV Research Unit): what are the key clinical challenges facing children affected by AIDS?

For more on this subject, visit the reporting on children in the context of HIV/AIDS page.