Loaning and groaning: Suggestions for Swaziland
18 August 2011
Do you have an opinion on how Swaziland should use the money loaned to them by South Africa?
Maybe the more pertinent question to ask is: Who doesn’t have an opinion on what Swaziland should spend its hand out on?
According to The New Age (TNA) people living with HIV in Swaziland are arguing that it should be used to ensure a steady supply of ARVs and to keep the doors of health care facilities open.
The serious issues experienced by the Swazi health care system could of course have dire long term consequences for that county’s HIV epidemic.
If current problems are not resolved quickly, drug resistance, a lack of HIV testing facilities and no attention to HIV prevention are all potential problems that could fuel the spread of the virus.
TNA reviewed the numerous woes of that small country, laying bare the various areas which the money could be poured into.
While some feel that education deserves a look in, hungry creditors snap that they should be first priority. Government companies are also clamouring for a share.
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