HIV Media Library

A range of reliable reports and statistics for journalists.

We have collected a variety of documents that are directly related to HIV, AIDS and their coverage in the media.

Whether you’re a journalist, a student, or just someone interested in learning more about HIV, we have assembled a list of comprehensive, up-to-date documents, ranging from manuals, guides and papers to surveys and statistics:

  • General HIV and AIDS research;
  • HIV and the Media;
  • Politics and Law;
  • Policy and Guidelines;
  • Men and HIV;
  • Women and HIV; and
  • Children and HIV.
Wits Journalism Anova Health

The project is jointly managed by the Anova Health Institute and the Journalism and Media Studies Programme at the University of the Witwatersrand. The project is funded by by the Health Communication Partnership based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Centre for Communication Programmes and the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS relief through the United States Agency for International Development under terms of Award No. JH/HESA-02-05 and through the Anova Health Institute through PEPFAR via USAID under Award No. AID-674-A-12-00015.