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the star, together we will end aids, unaids report
Enter the media, to sift through the information and bring the public the information that it really needs to know

Media helps public relate to reports

Kim Johnson

20 July 2012

Thursday’s (19 July 2012) edition of The Star featured an easy to digest run down of the latest UNAIDS report titled ‘Together We Will End AIDS’.

The general public is often unaware of the release of health-related reports.

Though it does not make the information they contain any less relevant, these kinds of reports can also make for less then scintillating reading for those not involved in the field.

Enter the media, to sift through the information and bring the public the information that it really needs to know.

With its neat presentation of the most salient facts in a report that readers can easily peruse in a 5 minute sitting, The Star’s done just that.

According to the article, the report outlines that although HIV infection among children has declined dramatically and access to ART is on the increase, creative HIV prevention strategies targeted at young women need to be put in place.

The Star’s abridged report also listed statistics on drug resistance, the availability of female condoms and unplanned pregnancy.

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