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daily sun, medical research council, mtct statistics, pmtct, the citizen, the star
Daily Sun also notably placed their report in pole position on the top of page 2

Media recognises MTCT stats as newsworthy


27 July 2012

A host of newspapers recognised the announcement of a drop in mother to child transmission (MTCT) of HIV as big news this week.

The Star, The Citizen and the Daily Sun all dedicated space to reporting on MTCT figures released by the Medical Research Council (MRC).

The recognition of these statistics as key news among some publications is refreshing in a context where the salient issue of HIV too often takes a backseat.

The Star and Daily Sun were particularly good about punting this story by giving it enough breathing room to be thorough. Daily Sun also notably placed their report in pole position on the top of page 2.

The MRC has reported that MTCT has dropped from an already low 3.5 percent to an even lower 2.7 per cent in the space of a year. In 2008 the MTCT rate sat at 8 per cent.

This is likely due to the 2010 change in government policy around the prevention of mother to child transmission.

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