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doh, healthcare, the star
The Star talks to Siva Pillay, superintendent-general of the Eastern Cape's Health Department about rooting out corruption

One doctor where there should be 14

The Star

28 September 2012

He cuts a lone figure in the fading dusk light, clutching a laptop bag in one hand and an oversized grass basket in the other. His salt-and-pepper hair slightly dishevelled after a long day, the eastern Cape Health Department's superintendent-general Dr Siva Pillay looks over his shoulder and grins: "I should have come in my other bakkie, I could have shown you those bullet holes."

He scurries across the road and melts into the early-evening East London ocean mist, his shoulders slightly hunched, but his gait resolute.

An hour earlier, after a discussion on his attempts to root out the deeply embedded fraud and corruption and the subsequent three attempts on his life, one of those at the meeting had asked Pillay if he was not afraid of dying. "I am a Buddhist, I am not afraid of dying," he the full article

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