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While dealing with being HIV-positive a woman finds comfort in her husband

Man in a million

DRUM Magazine

14 February 2013

Men are often labelled as cruel, heartless abusers and rapists. I have good reason to disagree with that generalisation. Read on and you'll understand...

I wasn't raised by my biological mother; I used to move from one family member to another. I grew up using the surname of whomever accommodated me in their household.

I had a deep need to belong which some relatives exploited. I remember one incident when I was staying at my aunt's house. The older kids had been given the chore of bathing the younger ones.

When it was my aunt's eldest son's turn to bath me, he took off my clothes and ordered me to lie down on the floor. He was about to get on top of me with his pants down when my granny knocked on the door because she wanted to use the the full article

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