Gender, Sexuality and HIV
The basics: Sex, gender and sexuality
This section introduces and explores the concepts of sex, gender and sexual orientation and how they intersect in various ways.
Women and HIV
This page deals with HIV as it affects women and explores why women are biologically and socially more vulnerable to HIV infection than their male counterparts. This section also highlights new and not-so-new HIV prevention methods which have been developed with women in mind. The links between gender-based violence (GBV) and HIV are also touched on.
The Role of Men
Even thought women are more likely to be infected and affected by HIV, certain gender norms and stereotypes put men at increased risk of HIV infection.
Men who have sex with men (MSM)
Men who have sex with men (MSM) include but is not limited to homosexual men. This page outlines the reasons why MSM are more vulnerable to HIV than other populations.