Projects & Events
It’s complicated. Relationships, sex and HIV-Health science café
22 August 2012

Join us after work to talk about sex, relationships and science as they relate to HIV at our brand new health science café series.
Each café features a 15 minute talk by a specialist, followed by a casual roundtable chat. Designed with your busy schedule in mind, our cafés offer you the opportunity to connect with an expert and get targeted information—all in the time it takes to grab a quick bite and something to drink (and those are on us!).
You’ll find our café at the exciting new Wits Arts Museum in Braamfontein on the corner of Jan Smuts and Jorissen. The space is easily accessed through basement parking off Jorissen.
This week's topic:
It's complicated. Relationships, sex and HIV.
Dr Sindi van Zyl shares her experience working on the frontline of HIV treatment and prevention, talking about the mechanics behind the epidemic but also exploring the impact the virus has on relationships and discussing how all of this is becoming part of a bigger conversation through social media.
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Time: 17:30 for 18:00, we wrap up at 19:30
Venue: Wits Art Museum, University Corner, cnr. Jan Smuts and Jorissen.
The space is easily accessed via basement parking off Jorissen.
Attendance is free, but places are limited. RSVP by the morning of the event to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) , or phone for more.
Don’t miss next month when we look at new frontiers in HIV treatment and prevention with infectious diseases specialist Dr Kevin Rebe. Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Publications and Presentations
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