Projects & Events
‘(Un)covering Men’ Cape Town book launch
29 August 2012

The HIV&AIDS Media Project is proud to launch its latest publication, (Un)covering men: Rewriting Masculinity and Health in South Africa in Cape Town on 29 August 2012 at 6 Spin Street Restaurant.
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About the book:
(Un)covering men forms part of a bid to see whether it is possible to write differently about different men. This book is an effort to break away from overused archetypes and explore how men can be covered in the media in all their diversity and guises. The book sets this within a broader health context, arguing that narrowly defined notions of masculinity often facilitate and reinforce risk-taking behaviour, and that the introduction of more diverse media images may have a role to play in addressing men’s position in sexual health and HIV.
Between 2009 and 2011, journalism fellows of the HIV & AIDS Media Project undertook in-depth research looking to write about men, masculinity and HIV in a new way. The result is this compendium of articles that showcases a diversity of men each facing a unique context and dealing with sexual health and relationships differently. Structured around four central themes, the four sections in this book bring men’s varied roles in the HIV epidemic to the fore men as lovers, men as partners and fathers, men who have sex with men and men’s relationship to traditional and medical male circumcision.
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