Men who have sex with men

Dr Kevin Rebe

Dr Kevin Rebe (ARVs / ART, Clinical Trials, General HIV, Male sexual health, TB and HIV, Men who have sex with men )

Dr Rebe specialises in HIV and infectious diseases and has a particular interest in men's sexual health. He co-leads Health4Men. View expert profile
Dr Oscar Radebe

Dr Oscar Radebe (Male sexual health, Men who have sex with men )

Dr Radebe is a training and senior medical advisor at the Health4Men Simon Nkoli Center in Soweto. View expert profile
Wits Journalism Anova Health

The project is jointly managed by the Anova Health Institute and the Journalism and Media Studies Programme at the University of the Witwatersrand, and supported by the Health Communication Partnership based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Centre for Communication Programmes and the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS relief through the United States Agency for International Development under terms of Award No. JH/HESA-02-05.